Hey… Today one of my colleagues and I were out of the house making a physics show. One of the things we made were clouds. They are made by pouring liquid Nitrogen into a glass of boiling water. The difference in temperature being almost 300 degrees generates clouds. Here are some pics:
Bubbles and Lightning?
Hey… I was a little bored at work yesterday and took some more pictures to test my phone.
The first ones are the bubbles from our volcano chamber:
Looks pretty cool… The next ones are of our Tesla Coil, shooting some lightning:
:) The quality is not top notch, but the thing to remember is that all these pictures are taken in one sequence, show me another phone that can do that ;)
Så er der fest
Der var jo totalt meget fest ved Mie i går og det var totalt i orden hygge… Det hele endte med en rigtig god bytur efterfulgt af en ret lang nat, men det er en lang historie. Nåede lige at få taget et par billeder nede hos Mie:
Først den kære Jouas i gang med endnu en historie om hans mærkelige eventyr…
Og så et af Søren og Jouas, i noget der vidst endte som et af Jouas’ nye eventyr ?
Til sidst Simon, Dennis og Mie, på juice, tsk tsk…
Tak for en go fest, det gør vi igen engang. Nogen der sagde julefrokost?
Playing with my k800i
We went bowling…
Hey… This sunday the guys and I went bowling and we had a lot of fun…
Off course I thought it was great because I won :) But I think the others enjoyed it too. I took a lot of pictures, mostly to test the my phone, and I had to realize that even though it is a great camera all the movement and light kind of owned it.
The following first pictures are the scores of the 4 rounds we played. We are enlisted as:
J – Jam
A – AK
H – Hoeck
M – Alco
K – Petite
The next picures are of us bowling and as I said and as you see the camera didn’t make it through this test very well…
The first one is me making a shot:
Then a picture of AK:
And this one is Hoeck @ full speed:
Then Alco is sending the ball for another flight:
And the last one is Petite in the start grid :) (it’s him to the left ;) )
And finally the last three pictures are of Hoeck. The first one is him going to send the ball for another spin. In the second picture he is dropping the ball, BACKWARDS. And in the last one he is just thinking; WTF?
Well… The pictures aren’t great, but we laughed our asses off…
Well do it again some time… Probably with a better cam ;)
Yet another blog created!
As you probably know, I just got my new phone and it has blogging capabilities.
So my new mobile blog is: http://buyera732.blogspot.com/
C u on ?
New phone ordered
I just ordered a new cell phone to replace my “old” Sony Ericsson k750i. The new one is a Sony Ericsson k800i. Combined with a 1Gb MemoryStick Micro it’s going to be a lot of fun to play with. The phone features everything from a 3.2M pixel CyberShot camera, a smaller camera for 3G calls, EDGE and GPRS for surfing the net AND BLOGGING ABILITIES…
Spam the world, whereever!
New blog created
Hey… Yesterday I created a new blog inspired by the boring/funny hours I have with my mates on our Ventrilo server. The name of the blog is “Det sagde hun også i går!” which, roughly translated means “Thats what she said!”. I want it to be a blog where people can post all their quotes ending with the frase, “Det sagde hun også i går!”
Visit the new blog here:
“Test Nationen”
Well… On the 9th of Sep. the Danish tv station TV2 made a new nationwide test to test the common knowledge of the Danish people. Of course I took the test before the show and scored 53 of a possible 70 correct answers. That is, in my opinion, not good enough, but with questions involving former Russian presidents and writers of random books I could not expect a much higher score.
Even though I was disappointed with my own score I scored 9 higher than the country average. This means that some people couldn’t even answer more than 30 questions correctly and that is just sad.
A fun fact was that it was the 30-40 years old bald and snooring men that had the highest average score. Wich means that in 15 years, my friend Johnny will be one of Denmarks smartest men :P
Link: http://test.tv2.dk