It is now 2 o’clock in the morning and I really have to go to bed. I have used the last two hours on this beatiful game called MotherLoad. It is all about digging deep tunnels with your little machine and collecting minerals, which you then sell to buy new equipment for your machine. PERFECT!!!
I decided to do something a little different than most people, and I am proud to say that I dug out every single inch possible of earth possible above -1100 feet and I also made it to 10.000 feet, had a little chat with god and got a guardian angel:
Now all I have to decide is if I am going to turn off my PC or not, because my version of MotherLoad is bugged and I cannot save the game. So, will I let my machine stay turned on through the night and keep digging tomorrow or should I accept this “highscore”, turn off my computer and make a new “highscore” at the next LANparty? Tough decision… Think the last one is the winner…
And if anyone even as much as thinks that I should get a life, a girlfriend or even a dog, they ought to be punished with a 1000 spanks from my pink lucky-charm necklace…
Well… I kept the machine on all night and just used another 30 minutes on my project. Now I reached 1600 feet with nothing above me but the four upgrade buildings, and I will keep digging!
>———————————————————–< Well… That was all I reached in the somewhat perfect game. At some point it wasn’t that fun anymore, and I chose to get on with my life and close the game. Sad but true…